From my observations of bellringers on Facebook, I continue to find it striking that the people who most grumble about the failings of 'the CofE Politburo' (as one commenter described it to me) are often the same people who get annoyed about 'overzealous' safeguarding, e.g. certain churches which seemingly require even bands visiting the tower for an hour on an outing to have a load of safeguarding documentation or be barred from entry.
From my observations of bellringers on Facebook, I continue to find it striking that the people who most grumble about the failings of 'the CofE Politburo' (as one commenter described it to me) are often the same people who get annoyed about 'overzealous' safeguarding, e.g. certain churches which seemingly require even bands visiting the tower for an hour on an outing to have a load of safeguarding documentation or be barred from entry.
"The bishops of the Church of England are often useless but seldom malevolent."
Is their main purpose to defend the rest of us from the stinginess of the Church Commissioners and the whims of the Archbishops' Council?